Jumaat, 21 November 2008


yup.. we need to set goals in our life.. alhamdulillah aku da shoot gol2 aku setakat nih.. heheheh...
Everybody needs to set their goal within their limit.. yup2 thats mean ikut kemampuan diri.. cewah... and never givup... lg 1 serious in whatever we do...

okeh2... bkn goal2 dalam plajaran... its all about life... comeon2.. carik skill as much as u can. hohohoh...

Dulu skolah rendah aku minat giler breakdance.. hehe.. guess what, smpai skang pon aku minat tp da x brape aktif. haha... seriously im serious in that.. n iv got some medals and sponsored in breakdance.. :) nampak je canih.. huhuhuh.. but that was back then..

pas 2 scooter plak... finally i ve won 3rd place dalam pertandingan skuter cantik,. hehe... smpai la mama suruh jual.. skarang xde da skuter tuh, tp i v a new goal.. i ll buy another one with my own money nanti.. insyaAllah....

n now.. im addicted to photography... i want to shoot... come on....
checkout my not so called portfolio here

maen breakdance, maen sampai lebam.. maen scooter, maen sampai lebam... maen camera, maen sampai lebam

tp pe kan daye.. skarang tgh cuti.. yup2.. everybody love cuti..
but cuti without money is like eating shit whole day.. hahahha... cam haram.. i cant do anythings....

all i can do is sleep, eat , online... yeah2.. mrepek2.. dah2.. out....

4 ulasan:

nasirharis berkata...


cuti xde duit mmg cam tahi.hahaha

sliparjepunkecik berkata...

haha.. tu la... cam bodo je rase.. dalam pale macam2 la rancang.. pegi camping la, genting la.. duit xde.. cam haram,.. sumer jadik mimpi jer...

nasirharis berkata...


pasni ko nk maen ape?

maen kawen2 ke?hahahhaahahha

sliparjepunkecik berkata...

pasni maen kawen2 la. tp lmbat lg kot.. hahahaha