Jumaat, 5 Disember 2008

i ,ve been Explore :)

guess what.. i just know about Explore thing in Flickr. and i just figure out that 2 of my fotos hav been published in Explore... baru je prasan.. hohohoh.. macam yeah.. finally people see my foto.. rase cam ade gak org appreciate.. hehehe... pnat keje nak dapat SLR tuh.. huhuhuh..
sebenarnye.. Explore nih bkan ape pon.. macam 1 tmpat tuk photographer2 nih promote gmba dorang la... tp aku rase, best way nak promote kat blog je lah.. hahhaha.. sbb aku x pnah pon klik explore kat flickr tuh.. huhuhuhuh.. tp cam bg smangat kat fotografer2 wannabe cam aku nih la.. hahahah.. cam taik..

nak tgk gamba yg diexplore tuh klik kat sini

and my other photos here

sliparjepunkecik - View my most interesting photos on Flickriver

sape x tau pasal explore nih:

The quickest way to see if your digital photos are listed among the 500 photographs chosen each day for the Flickr Explore page or create a great looking digital poster from your photos to show off your achievement. Explore is a swell way for photographers to be seen by thousands of people, but the only way to get there is to take great photos and upload them to Flickr.
(grab this from flickr FAQs)

4 ulasan:

bakrihafizhisham berkata...

tahniah wehh!
tapi,koe jangan lahh masukkan kat banyak group yg "wajib" bagi comment,
hanya sebab koe nak masukkan kat explore.
tak ikhlas,
and macam,
tak exclusive la (dalam bahase baeknye lah).

but itu aku rase laa.
sebab kalau betul2 cantik,
then masti u deserve the explore thingy

sliparjepunkecik berkata...

yup.. thx bak.. hahaha.. tu la pasal.. aku pon br tau mende2 explore nih dr ko.. tp mmg aku x ltak kat grup sbb explore nih.. aku x pnah klik pon explore nih.. maybe Explore nih just stewart butterfield punye strategy nak bagi laku flickr.. hahaha.. tp jujurnye aku banyak blaja fotografi nih dr ko bak.. hahaha.. thx dud

bakrihafizhisham berkata...

eh ini satu penghargaan yg besar!
alaa aku share ape yg aku tau je weh,
yg mane aku tatau tu,
tak dapek lah den nak share.

teruskan usaha mu!

sliparjepunkecik berkata...

hahaha.. btol2.. thx la bak.. aku ni macam br nak pandang bende ngn serius. kalo dulu, sume main2 je.. hahaha.. tp banyak lg nak kne blaja.. hohoho... br skarang aku pandang orang laen ngn serius. hahaha.. maksud aku cube paham sume mende.. im not born as a thinker.. aku ikut flow je slalu.. hahahaah.. tp flow tuh mmg pe yg btol2 aku nak la.. hehehe